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Example Family Synthesis Reports

Berge, J., & Patterson, J. (2004). Cystic fibrosis and the family: A review and critique of the literature. Families, Systems, & Health, 22, 74 -100.

Chesla, C. (2010). Do family interventions improve health Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 355-377. doi:10.1177/1074840710383145

Chesla, K., & Rungreangkulkij, S. (2001). Nursing research on family processes in chronic illness in ethnically diverse families: A decade review.Journal of Family Nursing, 7, 230-243. doi:10.1177/107484070100700302

Drotar, D., & Bonner, B. (2009). Influences on adherence to pediatric asthma treatm77.

Knafl, K. A., & Gilliss, C. L. (2002). Families and chronic illness: A synthesis of current research. Journal of Family Nursing, 8(3), 178-198. doi: 10.1177/107484070200800302

Martire, L., Lustig, A., Schulz, R., Miller, G., & Helgeson, V. (2004). Is it beneficial to involve a family member A meta-analysis of psychoeducational interventions for chronic illness. Health Psychology, 23, 599-611.

McCann, D., Bull, R., & Winzenberg, T. (2015). Sleep deprivation in parents caring for children with complex needs at home: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 86-118. doi:10.1177/1074840714562026

Ostlund, U., & Persson, C. (2014). Examining family responses to Family Systems Nursing interventions: An integrative review. Journal of Family Nursing, 20, 259-286. doi:10.1177/1074840714542962

Swallow, V., Macfadyen, A., Santacroce, S., & Lambert, H. (2011). Swallow, V., Macfadyen, A., Santacroce, S., & Lambert, H. (2011). Fathers' contributions to the management of their child's long-term medical condition: A narrative review of the literature. Health Expectations, 15, 157-175. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00674.x

Trautmann, J., Alhesen, J., Gross, D. (2015). Impact of deployment on military families with young children: A systematic review. Nursing Outlook, 63, 656-679.

Vermaes, I., van Susante, A., & van Bakel, H. (2012). Psychological functioning of siblings in families of children with chronic health conditions: A meta-analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37, 166-184. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsr081

Wilkins, K., & Woodgate, R. (2005). A review of qualitative research on the childhood cancer experience from the perspective of siblings: A need to give them voice.Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing,22, 305-319. doi:10.1177/1043454205278035ent: A review of correlates and predictors. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 30, 574-582. doi:10.1097/DBP.0b013e3181c3c3bb

Holmbeck, G., Greenley, R., Coakley, R., Greco, J., & Hagstrom, J. (2006). Family functioning in children and adolescents with spina bifida: An evidence-based review of research and interventions. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 27, 249-277.

Knafl, K. A., & Gilliss, C. L. (2002). Families and chronic illness: A synthesis of current research. Journal of Family Nursing, 8(3), 178-198. doi: 10.1177/107484070200800302

Martire, L., Lustig, A., Schulz, R., Miller, G., & Helgeson, V. (2004). Is it beneficial to involve a family member A meta-analysis of psychoeducational interventions for chronic illness. Health Psychology, 23, 599-611.

McCann, D., Bull, R., & Winzenberg, T. (2015). Sleep deprivation in parents caring for children with complex needs at home: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 86-118. doi:10.1177/1074840714562026

Ostlund, U., & Persson, C. (2014). Examining family responses to Family Systems Nursing interventions: An integrative review. Journal of Family Nursing, 20, 259-286. doi:10.1177/1074840714542962

Swallow, V., Macfadyen, A., Santacroce, S., & Lambert, H. (2011). Swallow, V., Macfadyen, A., Santacroce, S., & Lambert, H. (2011). Fathers' contributions to the management of their child's long-term medical condition: A narrative review of the literature. Health Expectations, 15, 157-175. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00674.x

Vermaes, I., van Susante, A., & van Bakel, H. (2012). Psychological functioning of siblings in families of children with chronic health conditions: A meta-analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37, 166-184. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsr081

Wilkins, K., & Woodgate, R. (2005). A review of qualitative research on the childhood cancer experience from the perspective of siblings: A need to give them voice.Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing,22, 305-319. doi:10.1177/1043454205278035